Photoshop, HTML, CSS? Yep, that’s what I do best. Mix that with lots of head nodding from trance music and you’ve got me in a nutshell.
If you’re looking for some awesome landing pages or WordPress themes you can check out my ThemeForest portfolio.
I’m also a staff instructor for Tuts+ where I teach about web design. You can also find some shorter tutorials on WebdesignTuts+.
If you wanna know more about me check out this short interview.
Salut,apreciez munca ta. Webdesigner here.
Nice job, Adi! Keep it up!!!
Thank you for the great tutorials!!! I have been learning so much!
thumbs up if you like this bloody guy(adi):D thank you adi for all your tutorials.
I really love your works; they are great. the cleanness and softness are declared in your Project.
I loved every Tutorials of your and many many thanks for doing them. I learned and learning.
Hi Adi, I love your work is just stunning, your life story is very similar to mine, if at any time you want to have a pupil, do not hesitate to contact me, I would love to become as good as you, you’re my inspiration greetings and good luck.
Thanks for the kind words, I’ll keep that in mind
Thanks for the great tutorials 😉
Multumim pentru tutoriale si succes in tot ce iti propui pe viitor !
Salut Adi vreau sa-ti multumes pentru ca am gasit un nou site de concursuri de web design(develop) eu lucrez la DesignCrowd si la DesignContest si calitatea este mult mai mica decat cea pe care o ofera crowdSPRING ,se ofera mult mai putin bani si mult mai multa munca(thema de wp 700$)
Ti-am citi articolele de pe webdesigntuts+ si vreau sa-ti doresc un viitor stralucit in acest domeniu
E bine sa vezi un roman pe webdesigntuts+ doar de curand incerc sa invat tot ce tine de un sit (psd templates/html/css/..) . Si ai multe tutoriale folositoare ms ca leai postat si mult noroc in continoare.
I think you’re Indonesia. Nice name.
ANd thanks for tutorials…
foarte tare ce iese din codul si deisgnurile tale. is intr-adevar clean si foarte calumea. good work! proud to see you there on tutsplus
Nice to know you. Nice tutorial by the way.
if one day i become a professional web designer i will only because of Adi Purdila
Hi Adi,
I just watched your latest video on animate.css . Very clear and useful. Thank you. What is the editor that you use? it looks like a great productivity tool.
Thanks again.
I’m using Sublime Text 2
Hi, i’m downloading every tutorial that you have done, just te become more and more productif. You’re just AWSOME.
Hey Adi,
I just wanted to know, wich one you would choose, if you could only choose one: Sketch or Macaw?
Best regards.
Wow, this is a really late reply :)) Sorry about that. I would choose Sketch!
Please make a course at google web starter kit. Please
Congratulations! PROFESSIONAL web designing. Baftă în continuare!
Nice tutorials buddy … but i think you’re Indonesian right?? hehe
Congratulations! PROFESSIONAL!
And no, not Indonesian. I’m Romanian 😉
Adi, you are by far my favorite instructor on Tutsplus. Really dig your steady yet informative videos. Thank you for all the help. PS who is your favorite trance producer? Nothing beats doing web design while listening to some AVB/Aly&Fila, correct?! 😀
Thanks man, I appreciate that
You know, there are so many great producers out there, it’s hard to say who’s my favorite one. But definitely Aly&Fila, both as producers and DJs, they’re really up there with the uplifting sound. I also listen to a lot of Solarstone and more recently I got into psy trance so I listen a lot of Liquid Soul. Amazing stuff. AvB is also good, but I like his more classic sets to be honest, for example when he does 138 BPM stuff — not really into commercial music.
#Trancefamily 😀
Nice to know you. Nice tutorial by the way. I like it, I have been learning so much! Thank you Adi
It’s nice to know you. Nice tutorial by the way. Good luck !
very professional, all of your courses on tuts+ are very very great!!! thanks man!!!
Thank you
Hey, Adi,
you are my favorite teacher, not only because you cover various possible solutions of problems, but also because you share the best practices and most elegant ways to write code. Thanks a lot for your courses.
Be great and stay classy,
Thanks so much 😉
Nice tutorials Adi,
would you tell me that which packages did you install on your Atom?
Here are my themes and my packages. Enjoy!